In Case You Were Wondering…

by Paul on December 20, 2005

You can get PGP, an email encryption software package, from originator Phil Zimmerman, as well as many other places. PGP uses a robust public-key encryption, which you can read all about at Phil Zimmerman‘s site.

Alternately, if you’re more comfortable with well-designed websites and clear navigation, you can get PGP from PGP Corporation.

Another way to gain the benefits of PGP encryption is to use HushMail, a secure web-based email system. They offer a free service, or a more multi-featured one for a small fee.

I know that for many people encryption seems “sneaky” or “paranoid” or, in some way, a suggestion that you have something to hide. But encryption is also an alternative who just want to have some privacy. It’s the difference between sending postcards and sending letters in envelopes: using an envelope doesn’t mean you’re a criminal or a sneak, it’s just that you don’t want everyone knowing your business.

And, now that it seems quite likely that the government may be reading your “postcards,” it might be worth thinking about. Of course, the best way to protect our privacy would be to replace the people in the White House, but you can’t do that before the next time you shut off your computer.

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