Doing the People’s Business

by Paul on March 28, 2007

The President recently blasted Congressional Democrats for playing partisan politics, particularly with the investigation into the dismissed US Attorneys and with the supplemental appropriation for Iraq:

Democrats now have to choose whether they will waste time and provoke an unnecessary confrontation, or whether they will join us in working to do the people’s business. There are too many important issues, from funding our troops to comprehensive immigration reform, to balancing the budget, for us to accomplish on behalf of the American people.

Perhaps, before his next tantrum, someone might show the President this poll from USA Today/Gallup:

8. Would you favor or oppose Congress taking each of the following actions in regards to the war in Iraq?

2007 Mar 23-25 (sorted by “favor”)

Requiring U.S. troops to meet strict readiness criteria before being deployed to Iraq
Favor 80 Oppose 15

Setting a time-table for withdrawing all U.S. troops from Iraq no later than the fall of 2008
Favor 60 Oppose 38

Denying the funding needed to send any additional U.S. troops to Iraq
Favor 36 Oppose 61

Maybe Mr. Bush needs a refresher on just what the people think their business is?

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